Not just a pretty face.

Who wouldn’t want a shrub that likes shade? Not to mention that the Dandy Man Color Wheel rhododendron offers “lipstick-red buds.” The Home Depot website further promised that, “… it’s not just a pretty face — it also has excellent disease resistance and heat tolerance.” So we ordered two and more digging followed. (All of our planting is preceded by creating new planting beds! Due to the pandemic, we’ve got the time.)

Rhodes here
These little guys arrived amidst rain showers so I placed them on the porch steps for watering. (April 2020)
rhodes planted
Planted them in a new-front-side-yard bed — later, they’ll be visible from the street. (April 2020)
He looks happy, right? Seven weeks since planting. (June 2020)
Dandy Color
A photo from the Home Depot website to show you the lipstick buds and color wheel blooms.

Published by susantevans

Talker | Writer | Reader

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