A rose by any other name has thorns.

Four rosebushes grow in my garden. One climbs on a lattice and one lives in in a deck container. The other two are neighbors in a flowerbed — the Queen Mary Court rose came along from our first house and the William & Mary rose is green and gold.

All that aside, a thumb, a finger and the top of my arm are sore today. I could barely type this post (hee hee). While pruning all four, I met up with thorns.

Climbing Rosebush: Before (left) and After (right)

Drift Rosebush: Before (left) and After (right)

William & Mary Rosebush: Before (left) and After (right)

Queen Mary Court Rosebush: Just showing an after-prune photo here. This one is too small to take much pruning.

All you experts out there, I barely know what I’m doing with roses. Don’t hate me.

Published by susantevans

Talker | Writer | Reader

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