Starring now on my front walk.

If you visit now, you’ll be greeted by what was billed as “a delightful groundcover.” So true! The Blue Star Creeper is taking over beautifully, offering the sweetest pale blue flowers.

I’m surprised by the effectiveness of the three small plants I added to the front walkway in May 2023. A year ago, I bemoaned that Lowes had only three plants, I wanted five. Turns out, I planted enough and in the right location. This bed is pretty wet because the drain pipe for the air conditioner dumps a lot of water there.

A side benefit of a trusty groundcover: I can repurpose the money I was spending on pine straw for this front-walk bed. Check out the two “before” photos I took on April 28 and April 30.

And, here are the baby plants I brought home in May 2023.

Published by susantevans

Talker | Writer | Reader

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