In the tradition of before and after.

Around here, we “open immediately” in the spring and fall. I feel like a bit of a hero when I release a shrub from its shipping materials. Online ordering of plants and shrubs, a habit I developed during the pandemic, has worked well. Speaking of tradition, this blog’s is to feature the befores and the afters.

Arrived in September 2020

Largely because of its leaves, I ordered, unboxed and planted an Oakleaf Hydrangea in September 2020. (75 species; did you know there were that many?) Frankly, a shrub that “blooms on old wood” appeals to my soul.

The after for my purchase of this particular species now fills a corner spot in our backyard. In fact, so much so that there are a couple of Liriope plants currently canopied by the Oakleaf. Not sure they are okay with being covered and crowded out in such an overt way.

Scroll down dear readers for the three-years-later photo on the left and a current-glory photo on the right.

For symmetry, we added a second Oakleaf nearby. The Gatsby Moon, distinguished from the Harmony by its doubled florets, is just over the fence in the right-side room. It’s doing its best to keep up.

The Gatsby Moon in August 2023

Published by susantevans

Talker | Writer | Reader

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